Wednesday, January 2, 2019

new year's

ah, fuck. i forgot to do a new year's post in time. accordingly, my new year's resolution is to remember new year's next year.

actually, i do have one, even though new year's resolutions are bullshit. it's to stop making new year's resolutions.

god, i'm a card.

anyways, much as i'd like to waste your time some more, there's something i'd like to say here. you see, dear reader, last night i dreamed of dolls on strings. doing their dances. i loathe ominous dreams like that. real subtle, woody. real fucking subtle.

but i suppose it's nice to have a sort of confirmation that woody herself has her fingers in the fight with angel face. see, the human dolls i'd mentioned earlier had been of the willing variety, not the puppet sort, so i'd been working under the assumption that they were acting independently from their mistress. guess not.

what a bunch of losers. the mountebank club doesn't even know which of us is jack of all. of course, that's assuming that old rumor about him secretly being a member is even true. meanwhile, willing dolls are just as subservient to the puppet in charge as the ones who are literally under mind control. it's pathetic.

anyways, that's assuming that woody showed up in my dreams because she wanted to confirm her role in the little war her pawns are part of. hell, maybe she wasn't even doing it herself. maybe it was the grotesque dream, or the dying many, or my own brain.

god only knows.


  1. Relying on dreams when it comes to them and their little games has always seemed like a bad idea. Let the runners make that mistake. We're supposed to know better than that.

    Also please keep wasting my time. The parts where you're wasting everyone's time are infinitely more interesting than the parts where you try to be serious :D

    1. true, true. of course, if you'd read the whole post you'd know that i was already skeptical of that particular idea, but i guess you can't be bothered. i'm sure you're a busy man, doing... uh, i'll come back to you on that one.

      (you are doing something other than commenting on my blog, right? you sure do seem to be up-to-date on it, for someone who finds it so boring.)

    2. From what I can tell he's still just stuck in that tournament. It seems to be taking a long time for his next round to start. So he probably has nothing else to do than annoy people on blogs all day.

    3. I was only reinforcing your idea that it's not a great idea to put too much stock in dreams and of course I keep up with your blog and poor little Leaf's, reading about other people's problems is the only cure for my own.

      speaking of Leaf's blog, by the way, Alicia hows that whole dying thing going?

      Also in regards to what I'm doing... Well mostly recovering. I actually went through my last fight a bit ago and it's taking me a bit to finish explaining what happened.

    4. She won't die. I won't let her.

    5. And we've seen how effective you are.

    6. stop quarrelling, dammit. i've been gone for five minutes and you've already started up.

      shame on you all (but mostly faceless).

    7. Fine... Dad... Or Mom... I honestly got all kinds of confused with that whole Asher Lyall thing and have no idea if you're male or female or if Asher is male or female?

    8. male. so, i'm your dad. (a deadbeat one, evidently. sorry, i'll probably pay child support eventually, or whatever.)

    9. ... You know. Normally I'd be pissed, but I mean if you're actually gonna give me money...
