Tuesday, December 11, 2018

desert of the real

despite how fancy this post title sounds, it's a matrix reference. i think that was a reference to something else. i forget.

anyways, i watched the matrix last night. they were playing it on tv. i see a lot of weird and often shitty tv, because of how late i stay up.

oh, yeah, and something more interesting happened. this fucking... game show. it was hosted by someone who very closely resembled our patron saint, jack of all. also known as jack the smith, jack the ripper, and jack the ass. (i'm allowed to call you that, right, jack? cool. just checking.)

i think it was let's make a deal. fucking figures. instead of the stupid junk items, though, people who screwed the pooch... i don't actually know what happened to them, but they didn't look too happy.

tower goddamn tv. why does it want me to watch it so badly?


  1. Oh you guys have Jack as a patron saint... I met him recently... Yeah he saved my life, while also trapping me in a sort of emotional limbo... I stabbed him in the face.

    He didn't seem to mind much...

    Nice guy.

    1. sounds about right.

      i'm just surprised i never mentioned it before. apparently i plenty of time to talk about vague philosophical nonsense, but none to mention who we actually work for. figures, i guess.
