i was rude to him, i'll admit. had to be. that's just what the mask of alan roach demands, you see. poe, if you're reading this, my sincerest apologies.
poe. that's his name. the name he uses online, and around people he doesn't trust in person. smart guy. or paranoid.
or both.
not like they don't go hand in hand when you're living in the world of the fears, eh? yeah, i think he's both. he's clearly got some sort of anxiety disorder. he keeps it under wraps enough to be a sarcastic little prick, though.
what a lovely, lovable fellow.
oh, and his friend, eric. he's fantastic. he's got a tragic backstory. which, apparently, justifies being a bit of a reckless asshole, which he is, from the sounds of it.
it looks like our friend poe wrote about this encounter too. here's a link.
my, i've not put my medium to much use before, have i? no, i really haven't. other than the comments. what would i do without you... ah... incredibly likeable commenters? probably die of the sadness.
my, i've not put my medium to much use before, have i? no, i really haven't. other than the comments. what would i do without you... ah... incredibly likeable commenters? probably die of the sadness.
something like that.
I'm likeable... Also so Poe's explanation about what the Night Shop does... So, you offer tangible goods and services in response for information, but not the useful kind of information The Archive trades in you guys trade in random facts about people? I'm actually curious... What benefit does this give you? My assumption is that it might be how Jack knows who to target with deals, but that seems unlikely...
ReplyDeleteAlso I was going to comment this on Poe's, but I don't want him to know I agree with anything he's ever said or done so...
Ha Glorified Theatre Kids is so accurate for you guys.
oh, it depends. we prefer to trade useful for useful, mildly interesting for mildly interesting. as to the benefit of the latter sort of information, it's mostly a personal thing. we do share the information we learn with other mountebanks, though, and yes, things make their way to jack.
Deleteit all does, sooner or later.
incidentally, i'll let poe know you agree with him, and also that you plan on bearing his children. i'm sure he'll be pleased.
(i've already booked a spot for the wedding.)
I mean I suppose that would be only fair since I killed his girlfriend and all.