Saturday, January 19, 2019

warping me

i just realized i'm, what, twelve posts in? and haven't actually described a meeting involving everyone's favorite mountebanks. that's... weird, right? that feels weird.


idris is the most stable of our masks, so whoever plays him tends to get stuck with actually running meetings. we rarely have a set theme for our meetings, but this time, we did. idris announced that last meeting, so we had time to write our respective pieces accordingly. the theme was control.

how fitting.

my piece was a short one, a poem, to be exact. it reads as such:

"if we were to have total control over ourselves,
we would find ourselves to be living hells,
for correlation of all the contents of the mind
leads one horrors indeed to find."

they praised me for my examination of the concept of the transmigration of the soul.


  1. This sounds like a wonderful club that definitely actually does things of use.

    1. oh, definitely. your equally useful comment has been duly noted.

      (in all seriousness: i neglected to mention it, but we do have more useful things going on, namely that we plan our attacks as the switchblade symphony, as well as make financial decisions regarding the night shop.

      plus, free alcohol is supplied by a volunteer. it's usually not even poisoned.)

    2. So... The Switchblade Symphony is useful then... The Mountebank Club is just shits and giggles?

    3. to an extent, yes, but prior to intoxication we like to seriously discuss matters. logistics of the next raid, what goods we should stock up on, which members are traitors and should be executed, the works.

      (anyone who attempts legitimate discourse *after* refreshments are served tends to be ignored or mocked. the reason as to why seem obvious enough to me, though i may have to explain that too if past experience is anything to go by.)

    4. You know I'd mock this too, but I used to have serious business meetings at a public bar so...

    5. truly. at least mountebank meetings have a clear distinction between pre- and post-intoxication discussion. what can you do in the way of serious talks when everyone there is already inebriated?

      (i assume you are, anyhow. not much point in not getting absolutely pissed if you've already gathered all your friends in a bar.

      ...or, well, "friends." something tells me not many people actually want to be friends with you. more like "i try not to piss off the machete-wielding man with no face and a long history of often-totally-wanton violence.")

      you opened yourself up to all this. just saying.

    6. I worked very hard to cultivate an identity as "the machete-wielding man with no face and a long history of often-totally-wanton violence." so I take that as a compliment.

    7. what a shame, then, that you've had your face back for... two years now? something like that. oh well. you win some, you lose some, eh?
