Sunday, February 17, 2019

my terrible mistake

a meeting was held to determine my fate. the mountebanks determined we should try to better relations between the puppets and timberwolves. we wouldn't want two groups of our customers to hate each other. after all, in that might lead to them taking sides against us. that would be bad for business.

perhaps unsurprisingly, that's been in the talks for a while now. i think, though, that my mistake inadvertently urged them on.

i've decided, meanwhile, to take a... different course of action. see, clara came in again last night. she was visibly distraught. evidently, she and several other puppets recently kidnapped eric and a man whose name i won't reveal but who sounded like poe, as the former is an arc agent and the latter is working with one.

i've got a lot of sympathy for clara's plight, you understand, and eric and poe grew on me in the little time i knew them. and i'm getting a bit sick and tired of the mountebank club, as a whole.

damn shame. i'm guessing the other mountebanks wouldn't want me interfering with the puppets. that would be bad for business. so, ah, i'm gonna have to do things on my own.

you can guess the rest.


  1. Huh... Do the rest of the mountebanks not monitor this blog? Cause if so I hope this is the prelude to some daring action on your part of which this is just a declaration of action. If they don't monitor this blog, well... How foolish of them to be so trusting.

    1. it's a matter of ignorance, not of trust. we're a naturally secretive bunch, see, and so we don't like to pry into others' matters without permission. the golden rule still applies to cultists.

      ...some of us, anyhow.

    2. Huh and here I was for some reason thinking this was some kind of organization hosted thing? Well lucky you. Good luck with your plans.

    3. it's probably the title.

      and, thanks. i'll need it.
